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Кошек, собак и хомяков не пробовала.
блюдо - "Hot dog" - вызывает смутные сомнения и мысли.
Кстати насчет собак. Это блюдо - "Hot dog" - вызывает смутные сомнения и мысли.
The term dog has been used as a synonym for sausage since the 1800s, with one thought being that it came from accusations that sausage makers used dog meat, starting in at least 1845.[21] In the early 20th century, consumption of dog meat in Germany was common.[22][23] The suspicion that sausages contained dog meat was "occasionally justified".[24]An early use of hot dog in reference to sausage-meat appears in the Evansville (Indiana) Daily Courier (September 14, 1884): "even the innocent 'wienerworst' man will be barred from dispensing hot dog on the street corner".[25] It was used to mean a sausage in casing in the Paterson (New Jersey) Daily Press (31 December 1892): "the 'hot dog' was quickly inserted in a gash in a roll".[25] Subsequent uses include the New Brunswick (New Jersey) Daily Times (May 20, 1893), the New York World (May 26, 1893), and the Knoxville (Tennessee) Journal (September 28, 1893).[26]According to a myth, the use of the complete phrase hot dog in reference to sausage was coined by the newspaper cartoonist Thomas Aloysius "Tad" Dorgan around 1900 in a cartoon recording the sale of hot dogs during a New York Giants baseball game at the Polo Grounds.[21] However, Dorgan's earliest usage of hot dog was not in reference to a baseball game at the Polo Grounds, but to a bicycle race at Madison Square Garden, in The New York Evening Journal December 12, 1906, by which time the term hot dog in reference to sausage was already in use.[21][26] In addition, no copy of the apocryphal cartoon has ever been found.
Собак и кошек люблю, а вот попугаев не очень. Говоришь неприятное слово про человека, а этот человек приходит к вам. Попугай и повторяет это слово. Плоховато получится
Кроликов и уток.
Ну а свиная грудинка с яичницей